You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.3. Paperless Picking > Mobile Picking Micronet Procedural

Mobile Picking - Micronet Procedures

Paperless picking has both a Micronet component and a PDA component. This topic outlines the Micronet procedures for paperless picking.

Picking slips can be created in Micronet via Invoice Creation. They can also be created on a Sales Force PDA, or via web ordering systems and processed by Data.Connect directly to the paperless queue.

Once a picking slip is created, the easiest way to assign it to the paperless queue is using the Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips tab in Micronet Distribution (for more information, refer to "Warehouse Scheduler - Picking Slips").

To process paperless picking slips:

  1. From Micronet Distribution, create an invoice as you normally would.

Specify your debtor, add your items, change the price and add text lines if required.

Refer to "Creating a New Invoice, Picking Slip or Quote".


Your picking slip will be on the paperless queue, waiting to be downloaded to a PDA.

Every slip that is assigned to the paperless queue is assigned a priority. It is typically the priority that determines the next slip downloaded to a PDA. The initial priority of a picking slip can be set in a number of different places in your master files and company configuration. This is a complex topic. For more information, refer to "Setting the Initial Priority of Picking Slips".

  1. Using the Warehouse Scheduler, you can:
  1. As picking slips are picked and completed on a PDA, they are returned to the Warehouse Scheduler with a status of Completed Paperless. You can then load the completed picking slip into Micronet and edit, verify, print reports and post the order just like any other sales order.

Refer to "Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Completed Paperless Slip".

If any lines on a picking slip could not be picked or were underpicked, those lines are split onto a new picking slip retaining the original date.